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在約會溝通過程中,身體語言能影響他人對自己的觀感,並反映自己的修養。想當一個社交達人?Nickel Leung 將在此談及有關身體語言的注意事項。

司儀基本課 1

在這節課中,你可以瞭解一切有關司儀的基本技巧、事前準備功夫以及 MC Cue Card 的使用知識等。


演講時,正確的眼神運用是絕對重要的。在這節課中,Miss Cheng 會教你如何「望四角」、「望前中後」,把你所有的聽眾一覽無遺、盡收眼底。



The functions of a wedding MC

Have you ever thought of the characters of a wedding MC? Is it important for a wedding ceremony to have a wedding...
Have you ever thought of the characters of a wedding MC? Is it important for a wedding ceremony to have a wedding MC? Michelle is going to illustrate the importance of a wedding MC!

Your Speech Guides

In this lesson, the speaking skills with the use of multi-mined thinking will be introduced to you by our tutor Miss...
In this lesson, the speaking skills with the use of multi-mined thinking will be introduced to you by our tutor Miss Cheng. A set of scenarios and some wrong demonstrations will be included for your learning reference.
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