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【🎉Hong Kong Livefeed新會員限定送送送大禮-百佳/Hong Kong Livefeed禮券】得獎者公布:
1️⃣奬:Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 8GB (美版) 電子書 - Yan Siu Ming Elmo
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今集直播企業培訓及個人成長導師姚玟嘉邀請了心理劇治療師Tin Chan擔任嘉賓,和大家探討心理劇劇場及分享如何在第三人稱角度去看待我們的人生,並談及在進行「意識」的過程後,我們應如何解釋和指導我們的故事的重點行動。
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#bethebestversionofyou #Venus #姚玟嘉 #drama #心理劇 #應用劇場 #hkdrama #心靈治療 #tinchan #worklife #自我提升Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
Strategic Learning-English P5
9. Conjunctions Part 2
#tense #P5 #grammar #english #learning #conjunction #although #but #becausePost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
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