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蕭敬騰的8層單身豪宅 Singer Jam Hsiao’s 8-Storey Mansion

2017年,歌手蕭敬騰靠自己買下一棟8層別墅,和6隻狗4隻貓一起住,別墅裡有音樂室、演奏廳、書房、小畫廊、球鞋墻……想運動的時候,在家就能打籃球和高爾夫。他說:我覺得家就是要有認同感,靠自己努力得來的一切,讓我感到快樂和踏實。”#豪宅 #明星 In 2017, singer Jam Hsiao...


韓國有2隻松鼠狗日日都相愛相殺~佢地一隻活潑,一隻斯文;一隻毛臣臣,一隻整整齊齊白雪雪。毛臣臣嗰隻仲會成日做出令人R曬頭嘅舉動~好搞笑!!影片授權:nejiary@IG#Holiday堅熱話 #可愛 #狗 #胖成球 #韓國...
韓國有2隻松鼠狗日日都相愛相殺~佢地一隻活潑,一隻斯文;一隻毛臣臣,一隻整整齊齊白雪雪。毛臣臣嗰隻仲會成日做出令人R曬頭嘅舉動~好搞笑!!影片授權:nejiary@IG#Holiday堅熱話 #可愛 #狗 #胖成球 #韓國 #不能理解—————————————————————...

挑戰全身極限 最新人肉夾公仔機

#搞笑 #有趣 #笑死 #笑死我 #爆笑 #得意 #好笑 #幽默 #funny #funnyvideos #humorous #laugh #joke #lol...
#搞笑 #有趣 #笑死 #笑死我 #爆笑 #得意 #好笑 #幽默 #funny #funnyvideos #humorous #laugh #joke #lol #laughingmemes #laughoftheday...


實體爬梯都可以「噴」出來?點解嘅……-----------------其他報道【大富翁反斗奇兵 Toy Story 版開箱】http://bit.ly/2YbQ65d------------------睇盡全城最 hit...
實體爬梯都可以「噴」出來?點解嘅……-----------------其他報道【大富翁反斗奇兵 Toy Story 版開箱】http://bit.ly/2YbQ65d------------------睇盡全城最 hit 生活科技情報→ ezone.hk...

美國自家後院過山車 玩上癮索性自己建造

究竟有幾鍾意先會自己建造過山車喺後花園,仲要個速度都唔慢㗎!好刺激!#新假期生活 #美國 #過山車


#新Monday #新蚊娛樂 #有深度 #巴基斯坦記者 #專業
影片來源: GTV News

原來今年已經24歲!《天線得得B》的太陽BB當媽了?!真相是⋯⋯ - she.com

相信《天線得得B》是不少人的童年回憶,除了4位天線得得B主角外,相信最搶鏡的就是每次和觀眾說再見的太陽BB!最近Twitter瘋傳一張疑似是這位太陽BB和她寶寶的合照,究竟這位女生是不是已經成為媽媽?來看看以下真相解構吧! 相中這位名叫 Jess

Long Legs Photography in 4 Minutes

If you are a stickler when it comes to angles and backdrops, your 150cm tall girlfriend can appear to be taller in...
If you are a stickler when it comes to angles and backdrops, your 150cm tall girlfriend can appear to be taller in your capture.

Divine Composition Rules for Photos

Get to know the composition of photography and you will make a photo masterpiece. Easy breezy beautiful. Let’s get...
Get to know the composition of photography and you will make a photo masterpiece. Easy breezy beautiful. Let’s get ready!

Behind the cinema: Cinema History

Have you ever thought of the history of cinema and why it is so prominent throughout the world? Learn with Toby to...
Have you ever thought of the history of cinema and why it is so prominent throughout the world? Learn with Toby to know more about everything behind cinema!

Wedding preparation: Introduction to date choosing

Wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it would be the best to have a better preparation! Choosing a good...
Wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it would be the best to have a better preparation! Choosing a good day is important for a couple to have a pleasant marriage and Miss Lin is now revealing the secret of wedding!

Learn Triple Threat with Jason

Jason is a stunt actor and martial artist based in Hong Kong and he is now going to show some warm up exercises!...
Jason is a stunt actor and martial artist based in Hong Kong and he is now going to show some warm up exercises! Let's learn Triple Threat with Jason!

What is Laughter Yoga

As a kind of meditation, Laughter Yoga tries to alleviate the pressure from life by having laughter and doing yoga...
As a kind of meditation, Laughter Yoga tries to alleviate the pressure from life by having laughter and doing yoga together. Wanting to know more? Time to learn from Natalie, the experienced Master Trainer of Laughter Yoga!

Types of Whisky 1

You will know different types of whisky

Learn Taobao shopping with Stephanie

Stephanie is a young girl who loves traveling, shopping, photography, food and beauty. She love sharing interesting...
Stephanie is a young girl who loves traveling, shopping, photography, food and beauty. She love sharing interesting things and she believes that life should be diversified with no constrains to share happiness. Let's learn Taobao shopping with Stephanie!

Learn how to train your back with Paul Gor

Paul Gor has 15-year experience of being a personal trainer and he is the trainer of HotCha, Rose Chan, Edmond Tong,...
Paul Gor has 15-year experience of being a personal trainer and he is the trainer of HotCha, Rose Chan, Edmond Tong, Edward Chan the music director and a few bloggers! Let's learn how to train your back at home with Paul Gor!

Dessert in English

In this lesson, you can learn the correct English articulation of different desserts.

Dessert in English

In this lesson, you can learn the correct English articulation of different desserts.

Popular Grapes & Wine Regions in English

In this lesson, you can learn the correct English articulation of the names of different grapes and the famous wine...
In this lesson, you can learn the correct English articulation of the names of different grapes and the famous wine regions.
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