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另類資產融資之簽大單七要素之紫色 及總結

總結前,簽大單七要素之最後一點 , 就是紫色 (溝通和科技)


5) 藍色 (和藹) 和 6) 靛色 (智慧和智識管理)是簽大單七要素之五及六

另類資產融資之簽大單七要素之黃色 及綠色

3) 黃色 (主旨及精神) 和 4) 綠色 (身心健康)是簽大單七要素之三及四

另類資產融資之簽大單七要素之紅色 及橙色

1) 紅色 (財務與共融) 和 2) 橙色 (社區與拓展)是簽大單七要素之一及二


七個簽大單關鍵的要技能仿如彩虹七色通過三角棱鏡(另類資產融資)的集中,並反射 出一縷陽光下(簽大單)。

千禧後的拓展要素 啟動啟示課。。。千禧後的購員行為 心理要十講


Interim CEO Programme Series -- Selling product-branding as selling Business Proposal

Rainbow Seven Colours of selling business proposal as your-own-personal branding ... ... Upon our Interim CEO...
Rainbow Seven Colours of selling business proposal as your-own-personal branding ... ... Upon our Interim CEO programme , one should know how to define a business proposal like a rain-drop reflect the sun-ray into 7-colours :

Red- Financial Matter
Orange -- Marketing and Networking
Yellow -- One's mission , vision and objective
Green -- Corporate Healthiness Analysis
Blue -- Harmony inside out
Indigo -- Wisdom of oneself and throughout the corporate
Violet -- Communication amongst stakeholders
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