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China's urban economy is booming. Parents of middle-aged adults leave their hometowns to develop their lives in cities, but they have no choice but to leave their children in their hometowns. As a result, a large number of left-behind children's growth, academic and emotional problems have arisen everywhere.

By developing the beekeeping industry based in Shengping Village, Deqing County, Zhaoqing City, we have trained industry-related technologies to assist villagers, improve their skills, increase income, and attract more women to stay in their hometowns to work. At the same time, we can take care of the elderly and children and help families from the source. , To reduce left-behind children.
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蜂蜜,純天然蜂蜜,搖蜜,採蜜,蜜蜂,Mrs Bee,關志康,百花蜜,冬蜜,烏桕蜜,麥盧卡蜂蜜,純蜂蜜,扶貧,消費扶貧,留守兒童,Jacky Kwan,家庭團聚,肇慶扶貧,蜂蜜扶貧,肇慶升平村,內地扶貧成效,農村家庭團聚,蜜蜂養殖,進口蜂蜜,社會良心企業,肇慶,德慶,升平村,香港恒生大學,social enterprises,十大君子企業家大獎,君子企業大獎,儒商文化,商業道德,honey,zhaoqing,china,social enterprise,Mrs Bee Honey,Bee farming

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Mrs Bee 透過開發肇慶市德慶縣升平村為本的養蜂產業,培訓產業相關技術,專門協助村民,提升技能,增加收入,吸引更多婦女留在家鄉工作,同時能夠照顧老幼,從源頭幫助貧困家庭,減少留守兒童。 農村家庭團聚計劃 🐝🐝🐝
所有訂單將會安排快遞寄送,購物滿$500 港幣或以上免費送貨;如購物未滿$500港幣,運費將以貨到付款方式收取。

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