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《葡萄酒基本知識課程》- 葡萄酒種類
#HKLF #hkfoodie #hkfood #hkdrinks #redwine #hongkonglivefeed #hklivefeed #識飲識食 #winetasting #sparkling
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《葡萄酒基本知識課程》- 紅葡萄酒知識
#HKLF #hkfoodie #hkfood #hkdrinks #redwine #hongkonglivefeed #hklivefeed #識飲識食 #winetasting #閱讀樂Charged VideoPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
《葡萄酒基本知識課程》- 和情人暢談的葡萄酒知識
約會嘅時候飲返杯,個人relax D,氣氛會更加好!😛
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《葡萄酒基本知識課程》- 日本菜、韓國菜 VS 葡萄酒
Wine Pairing唔一定只配芝士parma ham,日本菜韓國菜一樣有選擇~
#HKlivefeed #HKLF #hkdaily #Wine #hkfoodie #閱讀樂Charged VideoPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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