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Li Chan Wing commented on this post about 4 years agoCharged Video(You have a valid play permission)Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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軟性推銷(Soft-selling)係近年來銷售宣傳嘅趨勢,好多品牌都會搵唔少KOL(Key Opinion Leader)去介紹自己嘅產品,其實透過新聞都一樣可以做到同樣效果,資深傳媒人李燦榮就同大家解釋一下點樣利用新聞去達到銷售目的!
下星期二,李燦榮將會喺HongKong Livefeed平台聯同30年MDRT百萬元桌會員劉家駒進行直播,大家記得到時候去HKLF收看喇!
#自我增值 #軟性推銷 #李燦榮 #劉家駒 #鄭禮祺 #鄺凱翔 #胡佇銘 #陳宏傑 #corporatetraining #直播節目Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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