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Cloer 為您提供最好的窩夫餅烘烤機和優質廚房小家電。
Cloer Asia Pacific Limited (Cloer HK) 為您帶來德國著名的心形窩夫餅烘烤機。 Cloer HK 是德國 Cloer Elektrogeräte GmbH 的子公司,在設計和生產廚房用具方面有120多年的歷史。在德國有"國家窩夫餅機製造廠"之稱。

Cloer offers you the best waffle maker and quality kitchen appliances.

Cloer Asia Pacific Limited (Cloer HK) brings you the famous heart-shaped waffle maker from Germany. Cloer HK is a subsidiary of Cloer Elektrogeräte GmbH which has more than 120 years of experience in designing and producing kitchen appliances. It is well known as "National Waffle Manufacturer" in Germany.

All the products being sold are original licensed and carried 1 year limited warranty. Retail and wholesale are also welcomed.

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About Us:
Cloer 為您提供最好的窩夫餅烘烤機和優質廚房小家電。
Cloer Asia Pacific Limited (Cloer HK) 為您帶來德國著名的心形窩夫餅烘烤機。 Cloer HK 是德國 Cloer Elektrogeräte GmbH 的子公司,在設計和生產廚房用具方面有120多年的歷史。在德國有"國家窩夫餅機製造廠"之稱。
Delivery and Return:
感謝您購買 Cloer 產品。我們為所有 Cloer 產品提供12個月原廠保養。保養有效期由您的購買證明(發票正本或收據)上列出的購買日期開始計算。如果在保修期內由於產品製造缺陷而出現故障,我們將免費維修或更換該產品。該保修不包括由於誤用,疏忽,運輸損壞,安裝錯誤或由非 Cloer 授權的服務機構或人士進行產品維修或修改後造成的損壞。

如果不幸遇上產品故障,請致電 Cloer Asia Pacific 客戶服務熱線與我們聯絡。

Cloer Asia Pacific 客戶服務熱線
+852 3543 1800
服務時間:星期一至五,上午9時至下午6時 (星期六、日及公眾假期休息)


Thank you for purchasing Cloer product. Your product is warranted against manufacturing faults under normal domestic use for 12 months period. The warranty period starts on the date of purchase as stated on your proof-of-purchase (receipt). We will repair or replace this product at no charge if found to be defective due to a manufacturing fault during the warranty period. This warranty excludes damage caused by misuse, neglect, shipping accident, incorrect installation, or work carried out by anyone other than an authorised Cloer After-Sales Service Representative.

In the event of a malfunction, you will have access to professional help from Cloer by calling our customer service hotline +852 3543 1800 between Monday and Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm.

Please retain your proof-of-purchase (receipt) as this will authenticate your warranty.
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