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About Interim CEO Programme

An interim CEO is a Project-achieved & temporary Chief Executive Officer. An Interim CEO oversees the entire operation of a company or organization. In some organizations, the founders obtained sufficient initial-funding to start-up but requires someone to “kick-off” the operation with expected ROR ( Rate of Return ) .

The interim CEO usually puts "interim" in his or her title to signify that the job is temporary or Project-achievement-based. The CEO “serves at the pleasure of the board.” Like all CEOs, interim CEOs have four responsibilities.
1. Optimize financial performance. The interim CEO determines the company’s financial direction, goals, and results. The interim CEO works especially closely with the chief financial officer to make good capital allocation decisions and set up good financial measurement systems. The interim CEO also leads a capital-raising team that finds money for expansion or other necessary activities or leads to operate with expected rate of returns evidenced to investors .
2. Optimize overall strategy. The interim CEO sets and maintains a mission and vision for the company. This ultimately dictates the products, markets, and strategies the company adopts. The interim CEO also has a variety of direct reports (the senior management team) that he or she must hire, develop, listen to, and even fire if necessary.
3. Develop corporate culture. The interim CEO sets the cultural tone of the company. The interim CEO’s explicit and subtle messages in this vein have a large effect on whether a company is a good or bad place to work, which in turn drives the company’s ability to attract and retain good employees.
4. Be the face of the company. As such, the interim CEO is a key figure in the company’s marketing, public relations and community efforts.


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