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WHO IS LIT? SERIES EP03 | 超過62萬followers的「#KOL」-Morgan Tam

在M.A.C的廣告裡看過她,在 #TripleG 的MV裡看過她,只要是關於着香港的潮流,似乎都會看到 #Morgan...
在M.A.C的廣告裡看過她,在 #TripleG 的MV裡看過她,只要是關於着香港的潮流,似乎都會看到 #Morgan 的蹤影。在這個潮流「#戀怪」的時代裡,這個「#古靈精怪」的女孩無人不知,很多人把她形容為遊手好閒的「KOL」,她卻說自己最希望的是能夠透過 #紋身 出名。如果你曾經因為Morgan的怪裡怪氣給震...


即使不利用定型劑,原來只需用上潤膚露,即可立刻解決毛躁頭髮的問題!想學懶人穿衣法?為何不向五分鐘打扮達人 Ikki 學習!

秋天來了!你的唇色同服裝match了嗎?三個初秋妝髮+outfit分享!| HeyJenniFA ft. shu uemura

秋天來了!你的唇色同服裝match了嗎?三個初秋妝髮+outfit分享!| HeyJenniFA ft. shu uemura 很久沒有跟大家分享outfit了 這次與植村秀合作搭配了妝髮 不知道大家覺得這種分享如何...
秋天來了!你的唇色同服裝match了嗎?三個初秋妝髮+outfit分享!| HeyJenniFA ft. shu uemura 很久沒有跟大家分享outfit了 這次與植村秀合作搭配了妝髮 不知道大家覺得這種分享如何 妝。髮。造型都有了 大家覺得我配的唇色適合嗎? 留言告訴我吧! @shuuemura #shuu...




原來只需利用定型劑,即可立刻解決毛躁頭髮的問題!想學懶人穿衣法?為何不向五分鐘打扮達人 Ikki 學習!






即使頭箍能予人復古的感覺,但仍需跟隨一定的方法。想學懶人穿衣法?為何不向五分鐘打扮達人 Ikki 學習!


要是頭髮亂了,戴上帽子即可一了百了!想學懶人穿衣法?為何不向五分鐘打扮達人 Ikki 學習!


不怕出錯的,尚有連身裙!只要鞋子沒有出錯,基本上你的打扮便十分安全。想學懶人穿衣法?為何不向五分鐘打扮達人 Ikki 學習!


同色系一定是最不需要擔心出錯的穿衣方法,因為不用怕撞色,上下身的衣物定能搭配!想學懶人穿衣法?為何不向五分鐘打扮達人 Ikki 學習!

Talk to hair stylish 1

Julian teaches you how to communicate with hair stylish

5-minute guide to be fashionista: Hair Styles

Tying up hair is the easiest way to have a hair style and it can be presented in different ways! Why don't you learn...
Tying up hair is the easiest way to have a hair style and it can be presented in different ways! Why don't you learn from Ikki to become a fashionista within 5 minutes?

5-minute guide to be fashionista: Leather Jacket

Leather Jacket is always a must-have item in your wardrobe and it will not be out of style! Why don't you learn from...
Leather Jacket is always a must-have item in your wardrobe and it will not be out of style! Why don't you learn from Ikki to become a fashionista within 5 minutes?

新聞 Gucci AR 試鞋App 足不出戶試新鞋

用AR 試鞋 App,隨時隨地都可以試鞋了!詳細內容﹕

Dress up properly for men

It is essential to learn how to dress properly to show your respect to different occasions and identities. Nickel...
It is essential to learn how to dress properly to show your respect to different occasions and identities. Nickel Leung is now going to show what should be noticed for men to dress.

Dress up properly for men

It is essential to learn how to dress properly to show your respect to different occasions and identities. Nickel...
It is essential to learn how to dress properly to show your respect to different occasions and identities. Nickel Leung is now going to show what should be noticed for men to dress.
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