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日本菜、韓國菜 VS 葡萄酒

這節課中,Ceci 會教大家如何在享用韓國菜、日本菜時配搭適合的葡萄酒。下次吃韓國菜就不一定要飲真露,日本菜也不一定要飲清酒了。

小 B 教你熱香餅早餐

小 B 是一個視頻創作者、美容博客及化妝師,以分享化妝心得、遊記及煮食為主。跟小 B 學熱香餅早餐吧!

Pat Pat張細說朱古力

朱古力與我們的生活息息相關,你又知道多少呢? Pat Cheung在些將教導你如何分辨真假朱古力 ,讓你做個精明消費者。


咖啡有甚麼值得研究?甚麼是咖啡達人口中提起的「咖啡三浪潮」?上了這節課, 你便會一清二楚!

Popular Grapes & Wine Regions in English

In this lesson, you can learn the correct English articulation of the names of different grapes and the famous wine...
In this lesson, you can learn the correct English articulation of the names of different grapes and the famous wine regions.

Dessert in English

In this lesson, you can learn the correct English articulation of different desserts.

Types of Whisky 1

You will know different types of whisky
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