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新界西好去處🔍夏天係做運動嘅好日子,今次同大家去行山🚶‍♂️ 沿途可以欣賞下靚景,又可以出翻身汗💦人都健康啲💪今次同大家介紹嘅元荃古道係昔日十八鄉居民往來元朗與荃灣的通道,沿路風景怡人😊難度亦唔算高,幾適合三五知己一齊行👭 👬#荃灣...
新界西好去處🔍夏天係做運動嘅好日子,今次同大家去行山🚶‍♂️ 沿途可以欣賞下靚景,又可以出翻身汗💦人都健康啲💪今次同大家介紹嘅元荃古道係昔日十八鄉居民往來元朗與荃灣的通道,沿路風景怡人😊難度亦唔算高,幾適合三五知己一齊行👭 👬#荃灣 #元朗 #行山 #元荃古道




嗱~門口都唔駛出喇!又可以邊玩邊運動喇!冇藉口偷懶啦~ #新品速遞==============#新假期生活 Nintedo


想有健康身體, 除左勤做運動, 健康飲食都好重要, 睇下有咩係適合運動後食啦!


Chris 講解有關空手道的基本知識及動作。



Paternity exercise training 1

You can learn paternity exercise training techique

Paternity exercise training 1

You can learn paternity exercise training techique

Lover training 1

You can learn special "lover exercise" training techique

Learn how to train your back with Paul Gor

Paul Gor has 15-year experience of being a personal trainer and he is the trainer of HotCha, Rose Chan, Edmond Tong,...
Paul Gor has 15-year experience of being a personal trainer and he is the trainer of HotCha, Rose Chan, Edmond Tong, Edward Chan the music director and a few bloggers! Let's learn how to train your back at home with Paul Gor!

What is Laughter Yoga

As a kind of meditation, Laughter Yoga tries to alleviate the pressure from life by having laughter and doing yoga...
As a kind of meditation, Laughter Yoga tries to alleviate the pressure from life by having laughter and doing yoga together. Wanting to know more? Time to learn from Natalie, the experienced Master Trainer of Laughter Yoga!

Learn Triple Threat with Jason

Jason is a stunt actor and martial artist based in Hong Kong and he is now going to show some warm up exercises!...
Jason is a stunt actor and martial artist based in Hong Kong and he is now going to show some warm up exercises! Let's learn Triple Threat with Jason!
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