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#tequila #hkdrinks #winetasting #wine #龍舌蘭酒 #龍舌蘭 #品酒 #hkfoodie #hklifestyle #閱讀樂Charged VideoPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
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小編 沙拉 commented on this post about 3 years agoLike & Share Richy Rice 泰南糙米米餅-三款口味
有D人天氣越熱越鍾意食辣嘢,出一身汗反而覺得更爽!如果你都係呢類人,咁就要試呢下佢喇!💥Richy Rice 泰南糙米米餅係來自泰南嘅無麩質糙米米餅,佢口感強烈,三款東南亞代表口味中,冬蔭功味仲好似飲咗成碗冬蔭功湯,唔食得辣嘅話隨時辣親!🔥🔥🔥
宜家大家都有機會免費體驗東南亞風味,今次各位只需要做足以下步驟,就有機會免費獲得Richy Rice 泰南糙米米餅(一套三款口味),下午茶時間同同事分甘同味!
1.讚好 Hong Kong Livefeed 香港直播專頁(
2.在留言位置tag 2位朋友,並留言講自己喜歡邊款味道:黑椒味/冬蔭功味/香辣味
1. 截止日期為2021年4月24日午夜12時00分。
2. 得獎通知將會以HKLF Inbox回覆並通知領獎詳情,恕不作另行通知。
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#HKLiveFeed #HKLF #HongKongLiveFeed #抽獎 #送禮 #giveaway #richyrice #米餅 #泰南糙米米餅 #snackshk #hkfoodie #naturaland #onlineshopping #網購 #購物情報 #jetso #著數優惠 #hkfoodPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
一杯latte可以用幾多心機 ?立刻去片!
#latte #vanillalatte #hkfood #hkfoodie #西貢cafe #cafeholic #saturdayvibes #hongkonglivefeed #hklfPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
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#angelinvestor #天使投資者 #business #創業 #hongkonglivefeed #hklf #hklivefeed #閱讀樂Charged VideoPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
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